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Tend to your indoor garden – all those nice houseplants that often get neglected while you’re busy outdoor gardening. Winter’s a great time of year to pamper indoor plants that add so much color and texture to the home. While your potted plants do go through a winter dormancy period and their growth slows, they still need watering and dusting. Dust blocks sunlight from plant leaves.
One way to clear off the dust is to gently wipe each leaf with a damp cloth or just give your plants a rinse in the shower.

Watering- So when should you water? Do the finger test. As a general rule, stick your finger into the potting soil. If the soil’s moist, don’t water the plant. If it’s dry, water. It’s as simple as that.

Also remember to freshen up soil or transplant root bound plants. Remember to give indoor plants a good feeding every once in awhile.

Winter’s also a great time to figure out how much lime and fertilizer you’ll need to add to your landscape beds. If you haven’t done a soil sample in the past three years (or ever), no worries. Winter’s still a good time to get one done – as long as your ground isn’t frozen solid. We have soil tester kits.

Still can’t get enough of the outdoors? Well, if you didn’t already do it in fall, get your gardening tools ready for spring. Check to see if you’ve got all the tools you need for the growing season, and make sure they’re clean, sharp and ready to work come spring. If they’re not, clean your tools, sharpen the blades and make a run to the store to replace or repair any broken equipment.

Happy Gardening!



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